Health - IELTS lexical resource

IELTS vocabulary and collocations for health topics. These could be useful for related letters, essays or even speaking exam topics. At the end, there is also a spelling test. Please note that US spelling is used throughout.

Health - IELTS lexical resource
Photo by Online Marketing / Unsplash



  • Cravings
  • Diet
  • Dietitian
  • Fast food
  • Takeaway
  • Home-cooked meal
  • Nutrient/Nutrition
  • Obesity
  • Portion
  • Serving
  • Overeat
  • Appetite
  • Intake
  • Fiber
  • Savory: Usually salty.
  • Unflavored
  • Famine: Extreme food shortages for many people e.g. due to drought.
  • Savor: Enjoy the taste
  • Digest: The body's way to process food
  • Malnourished: Having not enough food or too much of the wrong food.
  • Malnutrition
  • Genetically modified
  • Organic: Cultivated naturally
  • Free-range: Kept in free movement, natural environments.
  • Convenience food

Eating disorders

  • Anorexia: Abnormal fear of being overweight causes one to eat poorly and can be fatal
  • Bulimia: When food is vomited out by choice in order not to gain weight.


  • Muscle
  • Overweight
  • Posture


  • Disease
  • Heart attack
  • Allergy: A negative physical condition that occurs due to the intake/contact of specific food or animal hair etc.
  • Stroke
  • Cell
  • Acute: Intense/serious
  • Chronic: Constantly occurring. Chronic disease is something that cannot be cured.
  • Infectious
  • Overdo
  • Hereditary: Passed on from parent to child.
  • Toxic
  • Onset: Typically negative. Means: Beginning of something. E.g. It started with the onset of headaches
  • Blood pressure
  • Bacteria: Micro-organisms. Some are necessary for the body while others may be harmful.
  • Virus: A collection of non-living molecules that need a host to survive.
  • Germ: Small organism that causes disease. 4 types: Viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa.
  • Intolerance: Unable to take in some substance because of sensitivity of the body
  • Lactose intolerance: Where one can not digest the natural sugar from milk/dairy products.
  • Cholesterol: Fatty substance
  • Salmonella: Bacteria that can cause food poisoning
  • Rheumatism: Extreme pain/stiffness in one's joints/muscles.
  • Arthritis: Painful joint inflammation
  • Cardiovascular disease: Illness that causes problems in blood circulation.
  • Sedentary lifestyle: Inactive. Sits too much.
  • Epidemic: An infectious disease over a wide community in the same time period.
  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Diabetes
  • Bruise
  • Impairment: A function being weakened/damaged.


  • Pathology: The study of the way diseases are caused and their effects. E.g. Send a sample to our forensic pathology laboratory for testing.
  • Pharmaceutical: Related to medicinal drugs, their creation, usage, or the sale thereof E.g. A pharmaceutical drug.
  • Physiotherapy: Treatment via physical methods such as exercise, massage, or heat.
  • Anesthetic: Pain reliever.
  • Practitioner: One that practices especially medicine. E.g. We have the most skilled medical practitioners in the country.


  • Transplant
  • Diagnosis
  • Drug
  • Injection
  • Medicine
  • Patient
  • Counteract: To reduce/remove an effect by producing an opposite effect.
  • Clinic
  • Immune: Being resistant to a specific disease
  • Vaccine
  • Antibiotic
  • Dose
  • Remedy
  • Cure
  • Scan
  • Stimulate: Encourage
  • Recover
  • Maintain
  • Curb: To restrain something. E.g. He mentioned he would curb his smoking.
  • Diminish/Disrupt/Eliminate/Prevent
  • Avoid
  • Persistent
  • Therapeutic: Related to the healing of a disease. Could be a treatment-based, therapy or drug.
  • Conventional medicine: Modern medicine
  • Holistic medicine: Includes mental health
  • Surgeon
  • Check-up
  • Private healthcare: Healthcare that is not provided by the government.
  • Symptoms
  • Syringe


  • Artery: Any tubes conveying blood from the heart to the rest of the body
  • Breathe (verb)


  • Side effects
  • Engineered food: Modified food
  • Processed food
  • Shake of a cold
  • In poor health
  • Take an overdose
  • On the mend
  • Skin and bone: Very thin
  • Under the weather
  • Critically ill
  • Untimely death: Death at an early age
  • International cuisines
  • Whole grains
  • Eat the rainbow One must consume a variety of colored vegetables
  • Eating disorders
  • Balanced diet
  • The picture of health: Very healthy
  • Out of shape
  • Follow a recipe
  • Eat like a horse
  • Stress-related illness
  • Vulnerable to illness
  • To butter someone up: To flatter for selfish reasons
  • An apple a day keeps the doctor away
  • Emergency measures
  • A dose of medicine

Spelling test

Play the word, type the spelling, validate and repeat till done. Note that capital letters are not considered during validation.

Please note: Does not work on a mobile device.


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