Travel and leisure- IELTS lexical resource
IELTS vocabulary and collocations for travel-related topics. These could be useful for related letters or essays. Please note that US spelling is used throughout.
- Check-in
- Passengers
- Attraction
- Take off
- Destination
- Ecotourism: Tourism in areas of natural beauty that is done in a way that helps the local people and conserves the environment.
- Facilities
- Traveling
- Restaurant
- Trend
- Identification
- Inhabitant
- Itinerary: Detailed travel plans. E.g. places to visit.
- Journey
- Community
- Camp
- Countryside
- Landscape
- Luggage
- Unspoilt: A place that is unimpaired by development
- Peak
- Tourist
- Transport
- Excursion: A short leisure activity trip/journey. E.g. An excursion to the wine farm.
- Accommodation
- Trip
- Village
- Sightseeing
- Adventurous
- Budget
- Breathtaking
- Coastal
- Cosmopolitan: Having a wide awareness/ being widely diverse in the knowledge of different cultures/languages worldwide. International sophistication. E.g. Younger generations may have a more cosmopolitan attitude, especially in cosmopolitan metropolis cities with tons of immigrants.
- Foreign
- Luxurious
- Remote
- Stunning
- Directions
- Urban: Town or city related
- Bicycle
- Bike
- Motorcycle
- Highway
- Railway
- Subway
- Underground
- Rural: More related to the countryside than a town
- Scenic
- Dissatisfied
- Materialistic
- Recreational: Something done for pleasure/amusement (e.g. hobby)
- Escalators
- Holiday package
- Travel agent
- Exchange rate
- Disappointment
- Lifestyle
- Priority
- Successful
- Pressure
- Risk-taker
- Self-expression: To express oneself especially creatively (e.g. via writing, music, dance or art)
- Currency exchange
- Boat
- Cruise ship
- Ferry
- Sailboat
- Voyage
- Achieve a balance
- Friendly competition
- Daily routine
- Desire
- Experience
- Opportunity
- Fulfilment
- Goal
- Hobby/pastime
- Leisure: Free time
- Complimentary
- Disembark: To leave a ship, plane or train
- Jet lag: Tiredness after possibly traveling over multiple time zones
- Terminal: A departure/arrival structure at airports for passengers.
Air travel
- Airport
- Airplane
- Aisle seat
- Turbulence
- Checked baggage
- Baggage claim area
- Priority boarding
- Touchdown: When the plane lands
- Suitcase
- Final boarding call
- Connecting flight
- On-flight menu
- Pack light
- All walks of life: different occupations/positions within society
- Cost of living
- lifelong ambition
- living expenses
- once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
- Standard of living
- Way of life
- To hit the road
- To catch the sun: Get a tan
- Live out of a suitcase
Spelling test
Play the word, type the spelling, validate and repeat till done. Note that capital letters are not considered during validation.
Please note: Does not work on a mobile device.
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IELTS lexical resource study material
Links to grouped vocabulary lists common to IELTS topics for letters, essays and even the speaking tests.