Simple sentences

It is an independent clause with no more than one subject and one verb.

Simple sentences
Photo by Jakub Dziubak / Unsplash

Sentence requirements

  • All sentences must have a subject and a verb.
  • An object is optional.
  • The order is important. The verb must never be before or after both the subject and object. This may lead to Yoda-talk, which is incorrect.
  • Must form a complete thought.


Active voice

  • Subject: He eats a burger.
  • Verb: He eats a burger.
  • Object: He eats a burger.
  • Optional object: He eats.
  • Mostly used (more natural).

Passive voice

  • Subject: The burger is being eaten by him.
  • Verb: The burger is being eaten by him.
  • Object: The burger is being eaten by him.
  • Optional object: The burger is being eaten.
  • Used when the doer isn't important and/or when the receiver needs to be emphasized.



Describes the verb.

Recommended ordering:

  1. Manner
  2. Place
  3. Frequency
  4. Time
  5. Purpose


I jog quickly (manner) to the coffee shop (place) each morning (frequency) before breakfast (time) in order to get my daily caffeine fix (purpose).

Alternatives may require using a comma for clarity:

  • In order to get my daily caffeine fix (purpose), I jog quickly (manner) to the coffee shop (place) each morning (frequency) before breakfast (time).
  • Each morning (frequency) before breakfast (time), I jog quickly (manner) to the coffee shop (place) in order to get my daily caffeine fix (purpose).


Describes a noun.

Recommended ordering:

  1. Opinion
  2. Size
  3. Physical quality
  4. Shape
  5. Age
  6. Color
  7. Origin
  8. Material
  9. Type
  10. Purpose


He is an unusual (opinion), tall (size), thin (physical quality), old (age), gray-bearded (color), Scandinavian (origin) man.

He had a wooden (material), general-purpose (type), cleaning (purpose) broom.