Primary keys

Should I use surrogate keys or natural keys? What are they and which setup will give me the least amount of development issues?

Primary keys
Photo by Aneta Pawlik / Unsplash

What are natural keys?

A column (or a combination of columns) that has business meaning and is inherently unique.

Examples of natural keys:

TableNatural Key Example
ProductsSKU (Stock Keeping Unit)
CountriesISO Country Code (US, IN, UK)
EmployeesSSN (Social Security Number)

What are surrogate keys?

Usually auto-generated. e.g. 1 for the first record, 2 for the second, 3 for the third and so on.

Details on usage

  • Use consistent naming e.g. <table_name>_id
  • Also use them on many-to-many junction tables even if it just consists out of 2 surrogate keys from 2 other tables (this table might later grow to have more fields and this will make joins easier since you don't have to worry about composite keys).

Why use surrogate keys instead of business keys?